+255 768 012 832 travel@eastsafaris.com


Spend your Holidays Safari at Serengeti which is a home to the epic Great Wildebeest Migration,
and Big Cats or Trek with us to the Top of Africa, Mount Kilimanjaro

6 Days Mara River Crossing – Great Wildebeest Migration


Machame Route 6 Days Trekking Kilimanjaro

Welcome to East Safari Tours Company

We are a local safari operator in Tanzania, the land of Serengeti, Zanzibar, and Mt. Kilimanjaro. We offer all types of safari tours and experiences particularly to witness the great wildebeest migration, searching the African big 5 animals as well as year-round itineraries for honeymoon, family, and all other types of travelers. Let us help you make your dream tour come true. We can provide you the best adventures in East Africa towards remarkable experiences.
14 reviews on
Tanya A
Tanya A
You can trust East Safari with your experience! Our Safari experience was awesome! Our family of four traveled with our two 20 year old kids. We did Tarangire, Serengeti, Ngorongoro and Manyara. Our driver and guide, Amani, was knowledgeable about the wildlife and where to find them - and we saw a lot of excitement. His expert driving skills on difficult roads was impressive. We also had a second guide, Emanuel, who was helpful and friendly. The lodging was luxury on the Serengeti and we were very happy with the rooms, food and service at all 4 resorts we stayed at - two of which were beautiful luxury tents. My only suggestion is to carefully select your Arusha hotel. Obed was great with communicating and answering my questions while I researched which company I wanted to trust with this special experience. I highly recommend East Safari for your safari experience!
David C
David C
Realized dream An immersion in wildlife and pure nature. Great emotions and moments experienced these days by Tarangire, Serengeti and Ngorongoro.
janeth j
janeth j
Amazing Migration Safari Experience with Excellent Service. The communication was very easy and we always got quick replies when we had questions. Obed was never tired to provide excelent information with route map, until we get the parfect program for our safari. On safari everything was amazing from the start to finish just us we expected. Our guide, Amani was knowledgeable, Experienced, extremely friendly and an absolute pleasure to be with. He did everything possible to make our experience the trip of a lifetime. We have seen the great migration which was our fouces, the Big five and all the other animals you can imagine. The safari was incredibly beautiful! I can highly recommend East Safaris for this safari trip. they sets the bar very high for other safari providers and experiences. I cannot thank Amani the guide, Obed, and the whole team enough for this wonderful experience, I hope you don't lose that unique vibe as your business expands.
Picked up from airport and directly to Ngorogoro. Plenty of water and refreshments. Really well looked after on our 7 d Super safari trip. Saw everything. Food and accommodation were excellent. Obed's organisation was perfect. Particular shout to Joseph our driver and guide who was a real star.
5 days safari - a fantastic experience It was simply fantastic! There were six of us and we not only had a great driver, Noah, but also Obed as our companion. Both were super nice and always very helpful. The entire safari was excellently organized and the lodges were well chosen. We were on the road for 5 days and had the absolute dream sightings, probably mainly due to the experience and knowledge of the two of them! We saw the Big Five, were incredibly close to a family of lions, could have almost petted a herd of elephants, saw a lioness eating and, my personal highlight, saw a cheetah with 4 babies up close. We had this to thank above all for the fact that Noah always made sure that we always had excellent visibility despite the great competition. Thanks to him we were also able to take absolutely fantastic photos. All in all, just an absolutely fantastic experience!
Amazing experience! Would recommend! Amazing six day tour with our guide Amani and Loy. They are very welcoming and accommodating and we managed to see almost all the animals on our bucket list( including a very far away rhino!) The tour organizer Obed is also very responsive and helpful when we encountered a little hiccup on the accommodations. Overall great experience and great routes&stays for the price point, would definitely recommend!
Perfect experience! We went on a 9 days safari in Massai Mara, Serengeti, the Ngorongoro crater and the Tarangire parc. We saw a lot of animals, the lodges were perfectly chosen and out driver Amman was fantastic! He is the Tansanian Mc Gywer because he fixed someones car with just a wooden stick!!! Very friendly people in East Safari tours. We had the chance to travel with thé director- very nice person. I highly recommand. Price is correct compared to other compagnies toi. You can go for it the eyes closed!
Jakob A
Jakob A
Helt fantastisk oplevelse! En helt fantastisk oplevelse! Dejlig tur rundt i reservatet, hvor man så mange forskellige dyr på tæt hold. Vores guide var også meget erfaren, og havde en masse spændende information om dyrene og området. Denne tur kan klart anbefales!
Anders J
Anders J
Gennemført Safari tur! Jeg havde en fantastisk 2 dags safari tur med East Safari tour, hvor vi så alle de store dyr helt tæt på! Turen var perfekt planlagt, og guiderne var fantastiske til at fortælle undervejs!
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